Neo4j is a graph database designed to work with nodes and edges. It is an ACID-compliant transactional graph database engine, and developers can communicate with it using the HTTP endpoint or by using the Bolt protocol.
Add the following dependency to your project file:
dotnet add package Testcontainers.Neo4j
You can start an Neo4j container instance from any .NET application. This example uses's IAsyncLifetime
interface to manage the lifecycle of the container. The container is started in the InitializeAsync
method before the test method runs, ensuring that the environment is ready for testing. After the test completes, the container is removed in the DisposeAsync
private readonly Neo4jContainer _neo4jContainer = new Neo4jBuilder().Build();
public Task InitializeAsync()
return _neo4jContainer.StartAsync();
public Task DisposeAsync()
return _neo4jContainer.DisposeAsync().AsTask();
[Trait(nameof(DockerCli.DockerPlatform), nameof(DockerCli.DockerPlatform.Linux))]
public void SessionReturnsDatabase()
// Given
const string database = "neo4j";
using var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver(_neo4jContainer.GetConnectionString());
// When
using var session = driver.AsyncSession(sessionConfigBuilder => sessionConfigBuilder.WithDatabase(database));
// Then
Assert.Equal(database, session.SessionConfig.Database);
The test example uses the following NuGet dependencies:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk"/>
<PackageReference Include="coverlet.collector"/>
<PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio"/>
<PackageReference Include="xunit"/>
<PackageReference Include="Neo4j.Driver"/>
To execute the tests, use the command dotnet test
from a terminal.
For the complete source code of this example and additional information, please refer to our test projects.